Wednesday, August 14, 2013

new shala registration process

The buzz word continues to be change. And even with Sharath on tour this summer, the world continues to turn. Mysore is no exception. Saraswathi started to teach in July or June. And now she too is conducting weekly conference for her students. And the shala, well, the shala rules on registration is as fluid as ever.

For some of us on the ride, it feels a little like a raging rapid what with the ever changing rules in registration for the next season: trips starting only at the 6th of every month, registration changed to the first of every month, and a glut of applicants filling up an entire month all in two days.

December was full by August 3. And the fall months which are usually considered quieter months filled up quickly too. And the question "Do I go to Mysore?" has been edited by the new circumstances into "Can I go to Mysore?" Will Mysore accept me, will I even be able to register? We'll see once September rolls around.

Non-attachment. I've not been going to Mysore so long that I have old-school expectations. I'm actually pretty new school. Still, change is unrelenting. And I am fighting the reaction to have any resistance to it. Relax, I remind myself. Be steady but relax also.

With ashtanga growing so rapidly, with more and more people wanting to come and study with Sharath in India, we must be prepared that the Mysore experience will continue to change, evolve, grow, this is yoga in action, isn't it?--and if we are really practicing, how we too must also expand with it.

Some useful tips for first timers: 
1) Make sure your photo is sized properly and is in the right format
2) Applications sent before the 4 month mark of the month you are applying for will most likely not be counted
3) After registration you should receive an automated response that the shala has received your application. This is not your acceptance letter into the program. But it is important that you receive this 
4) You will receive an acceptance letter from the shala. This may take a little, sometimes a lot of time. Also important, if you do not receive this, I suggest you follow it up

For updated rules on registration process, see


  1. Hi Kaz
    Love your blog! And congrats on the teaching gig, it sounds awesome :)
    I'm off to Mysore in September and was hoping to study at the shala for October so was gutted to see it fill up so quickly! So I'm studying with someone else. But I'm confused about when to register... If I were to practice in March, when would I have to apply?
    Best wishes

  2. Micqui, hi! Register in December! It's quite intense this season, so first thing December 1! India time. Good luck! Kaz

  3. Hi Kaz! I was wondering if you knew a range for how long responses from the institute take. I have been waiting for a response for 12 days, I got the automated response on the first, but am starting to lose hope. Any ideas?
